Hawai‘i Life Represents …

Cherie Tsukamoto

Realtor Broker BIC, O‘ahu 
Director of Coaching and Mentoring

“Instead of here I am, it’s there you are, putting other people first.”

Cheri Tsukamoto started in real estate in 1979, and has made a career out of putting clients first. During her 40-year Hawai‘i real estate career, she has served on professional standards committees and even taught the code of ethics. Since joining Hawai‘i Life five years ago, she has been a full-time salesperson and Broker-in-Charge of the East O‘ahu office. As the Director of Coaching and Mentoring at Hawai‘i Life, she guides agents to build careers based in integrity and promoting the best interests of their clients. 

What does the idea of representation mean to you as it relates to real estate in Hawai‘i?

It’s a focus on the client. Focus on the process, be excellent in the process, but don’t attach yourself to the outcome. I’ve talked people out of buying or selling, because after talking and asking a lot of questions, we came to the conclusion it wasn't the right decision for them. Representation isn’t about making a sale or making money, it’s about guiding clients through the process.

What does “Hawai‘i Life” mean to you?

I was attracted to Hawai‘i Life because it's local, non-franchised, and there’s great emphasis placed on the ‘aina. I also appreciate the horizontal leadership and collaborative culture. You leave your ego at the door, or you shouldn't be with Hawai‘i Life. 

Hawai‘i Life is service leadership. We talk about gratitude, people being precious, and giving back. This is reflected in our Hawai‘i Life Modus Operandi, aka The Hawai‘i Life Style. We place a great emphasis on charity, conservation, things that are really important to our islands and people.

What is a memorable feeling of accomplishment you have from working with Hawai‘i Life?

When the Maui fires happened in Lahaina, Hawai‘i Life and the Hawai‘i Community Foundation were so quick in their response. It was an extra-level response in terms of raising funds, getting the word out, boots on the ground, agents on the ground who had lost their own homes helping others who lost their homes. 

We responded to the floods on the North Shore of Kaua‘i, the volcano eruption on the Big Island. Helping people in distress are wonderful examples of how Hawai‘i Life gives back and supports. 

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